Visual Chronolgy of a fight to save a sensitive ecological area that is fast becoming real estate’
The dry lake bed of Hesaraghatta
The beginning - the first team that worked on rejuvenating the catchment. The land had not become 'real estate' yet. People considered it part of their identity. One of the team members performing a pooja or offering prayers to the gods before beginning work
The beginning - the first team that worked on rejuvenating the catchment. The land had not become 'real estate' yet. People considered it part of their identity.
The beginning - village elders start the work of opening a silted-up inlet canal into Hesaraghatta lake from the Western side.
2005, People working together.
2005, as we opened up the canal, water flowed into the lake.
2005, meeting with the local team at Hesaraghatta
2005, At the Water awareness public meeting in Hesaraghatta
2005, At the Water awareness public meeting in Hesaraghatta, a street play.
2005, At the Water awareness public meeting in Hesaraghatta
2005, At the Water awareness public meeting in Hesaraghatta, a street play
A view of my beloved grassland in summer
Grassland after the monsoons
Hesaraghatta grassland, a 354 acre patch, the last grassland of Bengaluru
Grassland and the scrub jungle after the monsoons. On the horizon are the granite outcrops where river Arkavathy originates.
Grassland and scrub jungle after the monsoons
Grassland and scrub jungle after the monsoons
Grassland from the Eastern side, just before the rains.
Hesaraghatta lake in 2014.
One of my essays, published in Deccan Herald a prominent Newspaper of Bengaluru in 2022.
Map of the proposed Conservation Reserve, spanning over 5000 acres or 20 Sq. Km.
The 'protest' against me in front of my house, Sept 2022. Over a hundred people, some of them paid by an influential local politician, tried to storm into my home. I was protected by the police that day. However, they were unable to do anything when some of them came in to meet me and threatened consequences if I continued my work to get the area declared as a Conservation Reserve.