In mid-2006, I got an assignment to photograph for a story on a female suicide bomber of LTTE. The war was still raging in Sri Lanka, and at that time, SL was considered to be the second most dangerous place after Afghanistan. I jumped at the opportunity. I was to work with the celebrated US-based writer Jan Goodwin. As it was impossible for her to contact the LTTE from the US, I had to work from India to set it up. It took us six months to make a breakthrough. Finally, we contacted the Department of Defence of SL, who allowed us to visit and meet the female suicide bomber, Menake, who was in their custody. She was to assassinate the then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka but the security forces foiled the attempt and captured her. Jan and I went to Vakkarai, where a battle had just ended and LTTE was ousted. It was an assignment that I will never forget.
Please click here to read the story.
When the Suicide Bomber Is a Woman. Sri Lanka – 2007